Thalassains Blogs

THE OCEAN AND CLIMATE CHANGE At the front line, the increasing of carbon dioxide is slowly destroying the ocean and the coast lines. Carbon Dioxide Emissions is mainly produced from burnt fuels and transportation.Carbon Emission causes changes in water temperature, ocean...
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OCEAN WASTE HARMS HUMANS TOO!Ocean Pollution is not only killing marine life but it is also harmful to humans. Here are 4 FACTS you need to know about the effect of ocean pollution on mankind.1. 70% of the oxygen we...
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FIVE EYE-OPENING FACTS ABOUT PLASTIC WASTE!Sometimes we underestimate how bad plastic is for our environment and for us. Here are some facts you need to know. 1-There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. Up tp 300,000 tons...
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GHOST NETS HAUNT OUR RED SEA!Out of all the things that kill our marine animals, ghost nets are one of the deadliest. Here are some facts you need to know about ghost nets. - Ghost nets are fishing nets that have...
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WHAT ARE MICROPLASTICS? 💭They are small low to non-degradable particles of plastic) Microplastics are very small fragments of any type of plastic. They enter our natural ecosystems from a variety of sources,including cosmetics, clothing, and industrial processes.-Because it’s almost non-degradable (takes over hundreds to...
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